Back from cycling around the neighbourhood. Been a long time I last cycled. I fetched Baby from work today. Suprised her since I lied to her I was too lazy to fetch her. Haha today is our 27th month anniversary. I haven't got her any present. So I treat her to pre dinner. Her mum had already tapau-ed her dinner hence the "pre".
Ate quite alot for pre dinner. Both of us shared chicken chop and carrot cake. The carrot cake damn nice! Lot 1's food coulture. Try it. Then we also had oreo cheesecake and iced chocolate from McCafe. I tempted Baby to eat it with me since she's not supposed to have any chocolate because of her teeth. She's gonna put braces tommorrow. Haha I'm so used to her smile. Now its gonna have metal all around that smile but its for the better. I'm gonna have to live with that for 2 years. I miss her now. I'm working this Friday. Cruise cargo which spells DANGER to me. Sure damn tough. For money and shopping, so just work!
Shit I just remembered results are gonna be out this Thursday morning. That spells DOOM! Argh no comment. =[