I'm not dead. I hate China. ALOT ALOT ALOT ALOT!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Didn't sleep well. Woke up by a terrible headache. Argh sucks. Called Shi Hui hoping to meet her earlier today but she's still sleeping. Let her sleep abit more then I'll call her again. I didn't meet her yesterday cos I had to babysit Aliyah. My plan to prevent her to know my "fake" expulsion status from her didn't last long. Can't help it lah I was too excited to blog about it so early she read it the moment she's online. Lols
Grr stupid headache. Hope it gets better.
Monday, September 15, 2008
I'm NOT expelled. Thank God. Other than the expected failure of project, I failed the BIO module.
How to pass seh this one? Bloody difficult. So many theory based. This is the THREAT module for next semester. Must do my best to score. Gonna start reading before school reopens. Gonna get at least 80% for quizzes. NO! Must aim for the moon then land on the stars. I'll aim for 100%! I know what I have to do for this module next semester so its matter if I do it or not.
PROJECT DESIGN 1: Grade F, 1st attempt
I hope I won't get same supervisor standard as the DR LEE NGO HOCK! Haha
Okay I'm abit relieved when I know the results. Hee I sms Shi Hui lying I failed the 2nd attempt module and got expelled. Hee I wanna get pampered lah. Must act devastated mah. >.< Can't wait to meet her later.
Just had my pre-fast meal. I'm waiting for the exam results. Just hoping for the best really but wether that would happen, I'm not sure. Nothing else to say, I'm hoping to blog good news the next time.
Sunday, September 14, 2008

These two muay thai events happening this month. I definitely cant afford to go to the first one. The second event is a local event. I'm keen on catching this one. Singapore has been buzzing with muay thai recently. I bet gyms are constantly having newcomers into their gyms lately. Haha I've certainly been sucked into all of it. I'm missing training real bad. Miss the smell of sweat of the gym. Think positive, another half a month to go.
Hmm a serious matter into topic. RESULTS for the just ended semester is gonna be released on Monday 9am. I'm scared and I guess I have every right to be. The frightening scenario has constantly been playing in my head whenever I think of it, getting EXPELLED from school. It sends a terrible chill down my spine like its really gonna happen. Maybe it might. Oh boy. . .
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Please get well soon. I need to see you soon. How I wish I can be with you when you were visiting the doctor, when you were drinking your medicine, when you try to eat, when you vomitted it all out, when you're trying to fall asleep despite the pain. I envy those guys who could. I'm sad, disappointed and angry that I can't. I hope my prayers are heard and will be answered.
Please get well. Let me bring you somewhere after you're well. Let me make up for the things that I didn't manage to do. Let me make you forget you were sick. All the discomfort, let me make you forget it all. Let me show you, I love you.
To my brother who's thinking why things turn up the way things had turned up to be. Think positive, they are unlucky they didn't take you seriously. You'll find the one for you eventually. Don't take every setback too hard. Don't rush things, Bro. Not every engine is made to run on petrol. If you don't know what I mean, kopi session tell u.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
First of all, today is the 11th. Which means today is the day Shi Hui and I have been together for 33 months. Looking back, indeed we've come a long way. Ups and downs well are the past. Shi Hui told me abt a dream she had. How I hope that dream would be somewhere in our future. I'm guessing if it were really to happen, hmm maybe in the next 4 years? I'll be 20, 21, 22, 23!
Tuesday went out with Shi Hui. Managed to catch Death Race and spend the day together. We had Fish&Co at Glass House as planned. The place was awful. Loud music and the food was not nice as I'd imagine it to be. Shi Hui and I kept comparing it to Manhattan Fish Market. The latter comes out tops for every single comparison we made. We didn't enjoy it at all and we wont be dining in Fish&Co anymore. Put that aside, I'd say the day was fun. As long I have her as company, it will always be fun. I'm happy.
I'm waiting for the England and Crotia soccer match later on. I reckon it will be a draw or Crotia winning by a goal. I never bet though.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Finally the new week is here. Can't wait for Tuesday. Going to Fish&Co, hopefully if all goes well. Pity Shi Hui has to work on the 11th, I was abit disappointed but I'm okay with Tuesday. Looking forward to Fish&Co.
Break fast at my grandmum's place just now and she commented on the moustache I'm trying to grow. She says I'll look horrible with one. I'm beginning to share the same thought. Lols I'm gonna shave soon!
My interest in getting a car license is fading. Probably because of the hassle of going down to Bukit Batok for every lesson. Kinda puts me off. Private is a risk. Failure would mean waiting 6 months. That will suck. Anyway I'll put it into serious thought the next couple of days.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Been watching anime to tide over the days. I'm nursing a huge ulcer on my lower lip. So darn painful. What's even more pitiful is that there's not only one. Another strategically placed at the side of my mouth. With those two, whenever I eat, I have to chew and swallow on one side. Such a hassle but not painful!
I'm trying my best to keep a moustache. Always wondered how I would look like with one. Think I look kinda old with it. Trying to keep it till Monday and see how it looks like. Till then I guess I might stay at home "take cover". Lols who knows when its all grown nice and neat, it would suit me better than having no moustache at all.
Finally I bought a pair that I can call my own. Can't wait for fasting month to be over. I want to use these babies and put them to work. Love my new gloves.