Up all night. I am waiting.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
So bored right. Training wasn't fun just now. Had no partner and had to train in 3's. Gosh hardly broke a sweat. Miss Shi Hui alot. Finally her final paper is later but I'm not meeting her until Friday. Sian, I'm thinking of getting my hair trimmed up. I don't know where and how I should get it done. Sian
So many interesting news I've read on The New Paper. Just tw to note:
-Anwar Ibrahim's winning by a whole lot of votes.
Pity Malaysia having to go through such turmoil in their government. Wonder what would become of them when September ends. That's one thing us Singaporeans would be gladly wait for. Maybe we wouldn't say it openly but deep within we are. Come on its MALAYSIA!
-Singapore Table Tennis Assoc.
Wah lau eh this one. So damn untimely lah. Just win a medal what. Cannot keep quiet meh? Everyone so happy liao. Want to grab all the spotlight meh? Especially the sulkish player. I feel for you not being treated fairly but must create such a mountain of it meh? Worst of all cannot keep it behind doors? Must openly announce? Sorry for Singlish. Singapore mah!
I'm damn hungry. I'm craving for something which I don't know what it is. Not nasi lemak, not prata, not mcSpicy and definitely not mee rebus. Could it be.. Hmm
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Let's face it. In our world now, money is important. Some put it above family ties. Some put it above relationships. Some are carefree, spending without worrying about tommorrow. Some would open their wallet everytime to see if there's enough money for tommorrow's and future expenses.
When will one realise that money shouldn't be spent unnecessarily?
If one is jobless and unable to find a job, common sense is one should save whatever money he/she has for future expenses to tide over till he/she gets a job. Why would he/she spend unnecessarily and seem so carefree? Why wouldn't he/she listen to someone who's been by his/her side that money shouldn't be spent that freely. Treating friends all the time as if money will pop out from the ground when all is spent.
That person with him is someone that won't leave him/her in the lurch. That someone will give he/she money when he/she money has depleted. Isn't he/she getting too pampered? The fact that he/she has been such a spendthrift and wouldn't heed advice. What must be done?
So the question still remains:
When will one realise that money shouldn't be spent unnecessarily?
If that someone were to read this, my answer is let him be in the situation of having no money to pay for this and that. Let him find that your advices are true. The fact that he doesn't change is because you are spoiling him. Doing for love you may argue but have you ever heard "Spare the rod, spoil the child"? That's what you've been doing, sparing him from being desperate and finding out that money is that IMPORTANT.
Countless times have your words fallen on deaf ears, now is the time to let him be. You want him to change but you need to know that you're preventing him from changing. If he ends up the same then you know that he's just not worth it. Consider it being selfish if you may but you ought to think for yourself too. It hurts me as a friend to see you being so selfless. Hope you could weigh my words into your thoughts. For once let me see that you're thinking for yourself rather than him all the time. =]
Monday, August 25, 2008
My long post GONE! Stupid blogspot. Grrr when I'm finally feeling better, you do this to me. Hate you. Bring back my long post! You were supposed to autosave it right?! =[
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Day was well. Bitter on the tastebuds at the end. Lols. Good news today during training was there will be a training camp somewhere around Oct to Nov at Sentosa. First thought it would be in Thailand. LOls. But damn cool lah train at Sentosa. Rock hard abs(I WISH) and running on the beach. LOls
I'll be meeting Kelyn and Irfaan tommorrow to run on the track. Long time no see Kelyn. Lols. I find it difficult to end my post everytym. No conclusion. Hmm
Friday, August 22, 2008
Play game is all I do. Supposed to be doing vacation project. No motivation to do at all. The deal is simple. I fail this, I enjoy holidays but I have 6 months extra to end my diploma. If I go through this, I'll have to slog my guts out and have to see my fugly supervisor face everyday for the next 5 weeks and addition to that the high probability of failing meaning I'd waste my holidays for nothing. Sian.
Meeting Shi Hui later after she studies with her friends. Can't wait because I'm friggin bored. Hmm will going muay thai, I think. My knee is better, swelling's gone. Gonna head back to my games now. Oh yeah I killed a cockroach. Been looking out for it for some time, finally a WHACK to it and down the chute it went. I hate cockroaches and I enjoy killing them provided they're in my home. GUH friggin disgusted just thinking of them wandering about, EWW!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Exams are over. I'm having mixed feelings.
Morning paper drained me, TOTALLY. Slept in the library at the corner not revising one bit for the afternoon paper. I noticed that sleeping when I'm seated and head resting on the table. I'll BURP alot. Trust me when I say alot. Alot in gas volume and noise level. Lols.
Afternoon paper. Hmm sigh* nothing to say here. After the paper and ending of my exams. I met Shi Hui at Singapore Poly. Had my dinner there. Spend time together before I head off to muay thai and she went for her exam.
Wasn't all into going muay thai today. But DAMN WORTH the time! Although with a slight injury, talk about it later. Practised defense to counter attacking today. Plus finishing sets with roundhouse kicks. Words shan't be said. I never felt good kicking as I did today. Eventhough I had small details to work on. Hey the word here is work on. So I'll definitely improve on it.
My partner Antonio, I think that's the correct spelling, kicked my inside left knee when we're supposed to hit the inside thigh. Didn't bother me since it wasn't painful. What a suprise I got after washing up, its swollen. Gosh, but I'm okay though. Swelling has subside due to quick thinking of mine. Hehe
Oh yeah. I need to start saving for gloves. I want PINK ones.... NAH!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Having 2 exam papers later doesn't help. Gosh I'm so friggin tired now. Don't know what state I'll be for my 2nd paper later at 2pm. Dead beat. My neck muscles are in pain. I'm craving for nasi lemak. Where to get one? So bloody late. I wish Shi Hui would be with me now. Cooking me something. Helping me revise. =[ Gotta get myself together. Final day for exams. After today I can sleep all I want. Haha fuck. I felt nothing, nothing can motivate me other than a plate of piping hot Boon Lay Power Nasi LEMAK! oooOOH the fiery red sambal....
Monday, August 18, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Met Shi Hui today. I studied on my own abit while waiting for her. Today was hmm how should i put it? Extraodinary. *Chuckles* I hope my mind will be ready tommorrow for intensive revision starts. I'll DO IT!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Found out today that resting for 1 week without muay thai is enough to make me rusty. I kicked like shit and couldn't knee properly. Now I wonder what will happen when the fasting month kicks in. Boo.
Shi Hui is sick. I hope she gets well soon. Can't wait to meet her tommorrow. Miss her so much. Thinking of a small suprise for her. Hmm.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
DESTINATION for past weekend: SINGFEST 08!
Super awesome. Both my allocated spots during work at Singfest entitled me to watch the whole concert, take a picture with fiona xie and get paid! Haha saw Melvin, Roy, Keat and Yan Chung working at Singfest too. Crowd was great. Lots of caucasians and most of them got themselves wasted from all the booze. Crazy couple even stroked each other at their *coughs* privates parts at the back of a tent with staff walking past. They didn't care. It didn't go any further than that though. Heh
Simple Plan was playing hits from my secondary school time but they still sound great. Travis was cool especially when they took the concert time past midnight. All the bands were great! Lazy to list them all. The momentos from that wonderful experience were sore feets, lanyard with Singfest card on it, cool looking Singfest crew tee and photo with Fiona Xie which I'm waiting for my fren to email me. Hope he doesn't forget. Hehe
Good night!