Ok shall update the outing with brothers to Sentosa which was on Monday. It was raining mind you but we were determined the sun will shine once we bare our bods to the sky. Here's pics when we were on the monorail. I think its called monorail, who cares anyway.

Anyway, we went to Siloso Beach. We changed and bare our bods to the sky. The drizzle didn't stop, sun wasn't out, the beach was totally empty except for us and the lifeguards. Mother nature was toying with our feelings. The sun stayed hidden behind the clouds even after we bare our bods. You could imagine how disappointed we felt and how bloody cold it was. The tiny water drops from the drizzle made things worst. It was torture. We initially didn't want to jump into the sea, fearing that that would just make things worst. Well, me as usual came up with an idea, we run and jump into the sea like warriors attacking the enemies tower. Of course, we wasn't warriors but FOOLS. Or were we? Shall post the video next time. We had super fun at the beach. Even at lunch, I must emphasize this, our HYPERCALORIC lunch. I shan't disclose how much calories we ate but its devastating! Haha.
Back to today. First day of fasting month. I woke up at 4pm. So around 3 hrs to break fast. Woots! Had to say I was hungry. Well, it takes some time getting used to. Will be fine. nothing much happened today. So off I go. Hopefully tommorow will be meeting Geraldine. Wish her to get well and will see her
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